
The FootBall Tournament.

The first week of the football tournament was finished yesterday. The tournament is to continue two weeks longer, and it is hoped that new men will not hesitate to enter. The field back of Divinity hall is arranged as follows: There are two rings, one on each side of the field, on the 25, 35, and 45 yard lines, six rings in all. From each ring five balls are kicked each day. A goal from the 25-yard line counts one point, from the 35-yard line, two points, and from the 45-yard line, three points. Marvin, '89, is the only man who has kicked a goal from the 45-yard line, although others have come very near it. The following score was made out without reference to the 45-yard line, hence the highest possible score is 150 pints:


1, Crane, '90. 26. 10. 46

2, Chadwick, L.S. 25. 10. 45

3. Curtis, '90. 20. 11. 42


4, Marvin, '89. 24. 7. 41

5, Austin, L.S. 15. 12. 39

6, Fitzhugh, '91. 26. 6. 38

7, Burnham, '90. 16. 9. 34

8, Bowman, '91. 17. 6. 29

9, Goodwin, '89. 18. 3. 24

1 at 45 yards.

It is expected that the scores will increase from week to week, for many of the men have not kicked any since they entered college, and several have never played foot ball before. Crane will be given a cup with his score engraved on it.
