
Fact and Rumor.

There will be an hour examination in History X tomorrow.

The preliminary announcement of Clark University is out.

Wendell Baker was present at the H. A. A. meeting last Tuesday.

The games of the sophomore class at Yale take place to day.

Marks in the last hour examination in Natural History 4 are out.


Tonight the annual theatricals of the Conference Francaise will take place.

Twenty-five dollars have been paid for the repairs on the sophomore boat.

The second drawing of rooms in the college buildings took place yesterday.

One hundred thousand dollars is being raised to endow a chair of Protection in Yale, to combat the Free Trade theories advanced by Professor Sumner.

Ex-Consul General Waller is spoken of as manager of the Yale-Harvard race at New London.

On Saturday the Yale Divinity school team will play the Princeton seminary nine at Princeton.

Dr. Gross will leave Cambridge in a day or two and has given up his courses for the remainder of the term.

The Yale-Pennsylvania 'Varsity race takes place on June 21. The freshman race will take place June 25.

At the Titan athletic games, Victor Mapes, of Columbia, won the hundred yards dash in 10 1-5 seconds.

A new department has been added to the University of Michigan to be known as the department of "Marine Engineering."

The intercollegiate meeting called last Saturday to take action on the tug-of-war rules, was not held, on account of the lack of a quorum.

At the games of the Yale freshmen last Tuesday, Clark lowered the Yale two-mile bicycle record by 15 2-5 second, covering the distance in 6 minutes 24 seconds,

The following additional matches in the tennis tournament have been played: Lee beat Tallant, 3 sets to 2, Stetson beat Lockett 3 sets to love, Hale beat Chase, 3 sets to 1, Tallant beat Rogers 3 sets to 1.

The spring regatta of the Yale navy will be held at Lake Saltonstall on Saturday, May 18. The junior class has this year a very strong crew, including Harrison and Newell, substitutes on the university crew, and James, who was a substitute on last year's crew. The sophomores are very weak, so that the race will be between the juniors and freshmen. The latter crew is exceptionally heavy.

In deference to the wishes of the Senior class, the Yale Faculty have made a slight change in the order of the graduating exercises, Instead of having all the exercises take place on Friday, the persentation for degrees and the reading of the class oration and poem will occur on Friday morning, June 21st, and the class histories will be read on the campus Monday afternoon, June 24.
