The following article from a late issue of the Princetonian is an expression of Princeton's feeling in regard to the prospects of our winning back the cup this year:
"Over sixty men are now in training for the various events under the supervision of Captain Mandell, and a team of at least fifty will be sent to Mott Haven in May. In the hundred and two twenty, Moen, '91, and Lee, '91, are the best men. Lee is running in splendid form and is expected to give Sherrill a big surprise. Wells, the winner of the college quarter for the past three years, is expected back to win the event again this year. Other promising candidates for the quarter are Bachelder, '91, Wright, '91, and Rhoades, '92. Stead, '91, and Davenport, '90, are looked upon as sure winners for the half-mile and the mile run respectively. Mandel, '89, and Bell, '90 are very good men for the hurdles, the former having won one of these events last year. For the mile walk, Howe, '91, and Bates, '92, are the only men now in training, but Wright, Harvard's great walker, is expected back to college in May. Davis, '91, Brown, '91, and Greenleaf are all showing up well for the bicycle race. The prospects for a good tug of war team are very bright, as an unusually large number of candidates have presented themselves for practice. The men work an hour and a half every day and are turning up especially well at the drop, which will be the team's strong point this year."
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Triangular Race.