

HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal with Mr. Locke today at 4.30 p. m.

W. F. GAY, Sec'yCONFERENCE FRANCAISE.- There will be a rehearsal of Les Deux Sourds at 2 sharp. The other play at 2.45.

HASTY PUDDING CLUB.- The annual spring dinner of the club will take place at Parkers on Friday evening, Map 10, at 7.30.

The graduates of the Cambridge Latin school are requested to meet in 9 Thayer, Wednesday evening, May 8, at 7.30.

CONFERENCE FRANCAISE.- Members must return all unsold tickets and money for those sold by Wednesday, at Thurston's.


The meeting of men from other colleges, called for Thursday evening, May 9, has been changed to Friday evening May 10, at, 7.30 in Sever 11.

COM. ON CONSTITUTION.FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal to day at 12 o'clock. All members who do not attend rehearsals this week will not be allowed to sing at the Cambridge concert.

SEYMOUR HOWELL, Pres.There will be a meeting of the Exeter club in the rooms of the D. U. society at 7.30 tonight. Professor G. A. Wentworth will be present. Those who have not yet signed the constitution are requested to do so at this meeting.

F. S. DUNCAN, Sec.
