HARVARD BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal today at 4.30 in Holyoke.
PIERIAN SODALITY.- Rehearsal tonight at 7.30 sharp.
FOUND.- A watch and chain in basement of Weld Hall. Apply at 17 Dunstor St.
LOST.- A black diagonal overcoat with name in back of collar. Finder will oblige by leaving at Leavitt and Peirces.
The following men will please be on Jarvis Field at 3.30 today ready to play '89: Cumming, Crosby, Wood, Simons, Bean, Guerin, Corney, Fitzhugh, Babbitt.
W. K. FLINT, Mang'r.The person who took an English note book belonging to S. P. Cabot from the South basement of Thayer Hall last Saturday morning, is asked to return it immediately to the owner.
S. P. CABOT, 35 Thayer Hall.
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