President Eliot is out of town for a few days.
There was in hour examination in Fine Arts I yesterday.
Twenty seven men will enter Yale from St. Paul's School next fall.
The Princeton tug-of-war team will pull at the Columbia spring games May 11th.
The regular Wednesday written exercise in Spanish I will be omitted tomorrow.
The prizes for the bicycle meet next Saturday are on exhibition at Leavitts and Pierces.
The St. Paul's cricket team has already arranged 8 games for its Canadian tour this summer.
Durell led the Princeton nine in batting during the practice games. He had an average of 343, with a total of 500.
There was a convention of the Intercollegiate Foot Ball Association at the Fifth Avenue Hotel New York, last Saturday night.
The Harvard-University of Penn. cricket match will be played on the grounds of the Philadelphia Cricket Club at Wissahickon on May 25th.
A number of professors from German French and English universities have agreed to occupy chairs at the New Washington University.
On Saturday last Sherrill of Yale broke the record of 125 yards of 12 3-5 seconds, held by himself and Wendell Baker of Harvard.
Theme XI in English B will be read in Sever 11 at 2 o'clock. Theme XII due on May 14 need not be announced in advance.
The sophomore shell will be fixed by Blakey as soon as possible so that it may be used by the University crew. The break will make it necessary for over eight feet of the cedar to be replaced.
The Cornell crew has been chosen as follows: Bow, Upton, 165; No. 2, Dole, 155; No. 3, Hageman. 170; No. 4. Tobey, 164; No, 5, Devoy, 169; No. 6, Benedict, 163; No. 7, Marston 177; Stroke, Thayer, 164.
According to very good authority, it is announced that a letter has been received by the Yale Law School faculty from ex-Minister Phelps in which he says that he will resume his professorship duties in the law school about Jan 1, 1890.
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Triangular Race.