
Entries for the Bicycle Race Meeting.

The entries for the Bicycle Race Meeting on Holmes field next Saturday are as follows:

1. One mile safety, scratch-R H Davis, H B C, E A Bailey, H B C, F G Brown, N Y A C, J P Clark, Dorchester B C, E Clark, Dorchester B C, J W Schoefer, Berkeley A C, W D Frost, Marrick B C, Foster, Hartford B C, G H Merriott, Needham, R J McLaren, Clinton.

2. Quartor mile ordinary bicycle, scratch-W Windle, N Y A C, F G Brown, N Y A C, J P Clark, J W Schaefer, L Foster, R W Holmes, H B C, W B Greenleaf, H B C, K Brown, H B C, F A Delabarre, Amherst.

3. One mile interscholastic, scratch-P Davis, Brown and Nichols, Cambridge, L J Webster, Sch. Mech. Arts, F Forbes, Cambridge High school, R Thayer, Cambridge Latin school, A W Porter, Newton High school, R M At water and J R Kimball, Roxbury Latin.

4. One mile safety handicap-S L Cromwell, R H Davis, E A Bailey, W B Greenleaf, H B C A W Porter, G H Merriott, Peter Berlo, South Boston.


5. Two mile bicycle handicap-W Windle, Van Wagoner, Newport B C, F G Brown, J P Clark, E Clark, J W Schaefer, W G F Class, Berkeley A C, M D Frost, Monnack B C, A W Porter, W B Greenleaf, R J McLaren, L H Harriman, Worcester Tech., Peter Berlo.

6. One mile bicycle, H B C 3.20 class-S L Cromwell '92, J M Weissman '92, C W Spencer '90, E F Rogers '90, T. Barron '91, R W Holmes '92.

7. Two mile tandem safety-R H Davis and G Hendee, E A Bailey and E W Bailey, Middlesex C C, J W Schaefer and W D F Class, E F Rogers and R W Holmes, J P Clark and W N Doane, Dorchester.

The officers of the meeting will be as follows:

Referee, C W Fourdrinier; judges, Thornton Woodbury, '89, S G Wells, '86; timer, J G Lathrop; starter, E C Wright, '86; clerk of the course, G S Mandell, '89; assistanis J. Wendell, Jr., '91, A H Williams, '91; scorer, Allston Burr, '89; assistant scorers, B Moen, '91, A W Weld, '91.

The handicaps will be arranged by the L A W official handicapper, and will be announced later. The prizes have been placed on exhibition at Leavitt and Pierce's.
