
Fact and Rumor.

The elective pamphlet will be out about May 15.

About seventy-five '93 men drew rooms last Saturday.

Amherst '92 defeated Yale '92 last Saturday at Amherst.

The annual spring meeting of the Tech. Athletic Club took place last Saturday,

Bob Cook will not take charge of the Yale 'Varsity crew until the men go to New London.


The tuition at the new Clark University, Worcester, will be two hundred dollars, exclusive of laboratory fees.

Owing to typographical errors the tabulated score of the '89- '92 ball game last Friday was wrong in several respects.

The examinations today for second year and for final honors in classics will consist of translation at sight of passages of Latin authors at 9,15 o'clock, and of the general paper at 2 o'clock.

The following is the make up of the Union Boat Club Crew, which will row next Wednesday afternoon against the 'Varsity and the B. A. crew: Bow, J. J. P. Clark, 29 years old, 1461/2 pounds 5 feet 61/2 inches; No. 2, William S. Eaton, Jr 34 years old, 141 pound, 5 feet, 81/2 inches; No. 3. S. Hammond, Jr. 34 years, 1491/2 pounds, 5 feet, 8 inches; No 4 E. D. Codman, 24 years, 149 pounds, 5 feet, 71/2 inches; No. 5, J. Van Straaten, 27 years, 158 pounds, 5 feet 8 inches; No. 6, T. H. Simmons, 33 years, 1571/2 pounds, 5 feet, 10 inches; No. 7, Fred S. Coolidge, 23 years, 1451/2 pounds, 5 feet 71/2 inches; Stroke, Courtenay Guild, 25 years, 150 pounds, 5 feet 101/2 inches; Coxswain, H. R. W. Brown, 30 years 125 pounds, 5 feet 7 inches. Average without coxswain, 28 years, 91/2 months, 148 5-8 pounds, 5 feet 8 inches.
