

FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal with Mr. Locke today at 12 o'clock. It will be the last opportunity for members to learn the Boating Song, to be sung at the concert on Friday. All must be present.

H. S. Potter, Leader.H. P. C. THEATRICALS.- The dinner for members of the company only, will take place at the Boston Tavern, Province court, on Monday, May 6, at 7.30 p. m. All wines must be paid for at the dinner and no credit will be given. Dress suits.

As 50 men have not signed for the '89 tug no tug will leave the Main St. wharf on Saturday at 2.15.

A. BURR, Mang'r. '89 crew.Owing to a mistake on my part, the posters announce that the 'Varsity Meeting, on May 7th is to be handicap. This is a mistake. All the events at that meeting are scratch.

J. WENDELL Jr, Sec., H. A. A.There will be a meeting of men from other colleges, Thursday, May 9, at 7.30 p. m. in Sever 11. This meeting is an important one and a full attendance is desired. By call of the


COM. ON CONSTITUTION.Only the following men remain to be photographed. Will they please sit at once? Codman, Craven, Downer, Ellis, Hawley, Henshaw, Hobart, Jennings, Jewell, Johnson, Joline, Luck, Lydig, McGehee, Mans, Marble, Marvin J. D. Merrill, L. H. Morgan, Nields, Odell, Rich, Saltonstall, J. M. Smith, Taylor. F. W. Thayer, Trail, Walsh. E. D. Warren Wilsone Will those who have not chosen their proofs do so at once?

