We are in receipt of a letter from a member of the sub-committee of the athletic committee which has control of the play grounds of the University, denying that the committee refused to allow the use of Jaryis for class games has present," as announced in our editorial of yesterday. We are a ware that the committee did not issue an order for the postponement of the class games till the 18th of May: they did however, assign Jarvis field to the Lecrosse team every afternoon until May 18 from five till six, with the exception of the few days on which the freshman nine had arranged to play with outside teams. As the class games cannot be played in one hour, and as they are foroidden to be begun before 4 p. m. such an assignmelit practically disposed of the class series for this season. To begin the class games as late as May 18 would necessitate their extension into the period of the finals; and our experience of last year, when no one date could be arranged between the '88 and '90 teams for the question of championship, led us to conclude that the postponement of games till May 18, practically necesitated their abandonment. The vexed question has, however, been settled by a compromise acceptable to all, and a new schedule of games has been arranged which finishes the class series but a few days later than the original schedule.
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