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The Interscholastic Association of Amateur Athletes of New England held its first annual championship games on Holmes field yesterday morning. The meeting was witnessed by five hundred people, most of whom were friends of the contestants. Before the meeting was half finished, the rain came down in torrents, but the spectators hoisted their umbrellas and watched the contests to the close. The following is a list of the thirteen events with the names of the first and second man in each, and the time or distance:

120 yards hurdle race-F. Marvel, Worcester academy; time 20 seconds. W. Hoag, Roxbury Latin, second.

Putting the shot, (16 pounds)-J. Moore, Worcester; distance, 31 feet, 10 inches. P. V. K. Johnson, Hopkinson's, second.

100-yards dash-First heat. A. Emery, Worcester; time 10 4 5 seconds; B. G. Waters, Boston Latin, second. Second heat: T. E. Sherwin, Roxbury Latin, time 11 seconds; C. L. Hodgkins, English High, second. Final heat: A. Emery, Worcester, time 10 3-5 seconds; T. E. Sherwin, Roxbury Latin, second.

One-mile bicycle race.- F. L. Olmstead, Roxbury Latin, time 3 minutes, 16 1-5 seconds; F. Johnson, Worcester, second.


Quarter-mile run-First heat: J. L. Heard, Hopkinson's, time 54 4-5 seconds; H. Sedgwick, Worcester, second. Second heat: H. M. Wheel Wright, Roxbury Latin, time 56 4-5 second; G. M. Dudley, English High, second. Final heat: H. M. Wheelwright, Roxbury Latin, time 56 2-5 seconds; G. M. Dudley, English High, second.

Running high jump-T. E. Sherwin, Roxbury Latin, height, 5 feet, 5 3-8 inches; W. Kiggins, Worcester, second.

One mile walk-J. H. Bell, Hopkinson's, time 8 minutes, 29 4-5 seconds; R. B. Beals, Roxbury Latin, second.

Throwing baseball-E. Rice, Worcester, distance 324 feet, 3 inches; C. Ellis, Worcester second.

220-yards dash-A. Emery, Worcester, time 24 2-5 seconds; T. E. Sherwin, Roxbury Latin, second.

Throwing the hammer, (12 pounds)-A. Turner, Worcester distance 88 feet, 8 1-2 inches. A. Emery Worcester, second.

Running broad jump-C. Brewer, Hopkinson's, distance 18 feet, 7 inches; F. Marvel, Worcester, second.

Half-mile run-E. Dolan, Worcester, time 2 minutes, 13 seconds; I. S. Adams, Roxbury Latin, second.

Pole vault-H. M. Wheelwright, Roxbury, height 8 feet, 8 3-4 inches; second W. Cutler, Worcester Academy.
