
Fact and Rumor.

The Princeton nine play at Andover today.

The cricket team will play at Medford tomorrow.

All rewritten and corrected themes must be deposited in the wooden box in Sever 4 today.

Exeter and the Williams freshmen played a tie ten-inning game at Exeter on Wednesday. Shoute pitched for Exeter and struck out thirteen men.

The Yale freshman nine did not play the Princeton freshman last Wednesday owing to the Harvard-Yale freshman game tomorrow.


The officers of the Harvard Free Wool club, which were announced in yesterday's CRIMSON. were so changed by the typos that we publish them again, corrected. President, F. F. Causey, '90; secretary, H. D. Lentz, '91; treasurer, S. Berry, '92.

At the semi-annual meeting of the Y. M. C. A. for the election of officers, the following offices were elected: President, D. C. Torrey '91; corresponding secretary, J, L. Dodge '91; treasurer, A. L. Shapleigh '92; librarian, Nichols '91. The Society photograph will not be taken this morning, but next Tuesday at 9 o'clock back of Sever.
