

Old prize winners are requested to wear their medals at the interscholastic dinner tonight at the Boston Tavers, 7 o'clock.

Y. M. C. A.- Regular meeting in the society rooms in Lawrence hall at 6.45 o'clock this evening. All students cordially invited.

The Senior class will be photographed at the back of Memorial on Tuesday, June 4 at 1.30.

PHOTO COM.HARVARD GUITAR AND MANDOLIM CLUB.- Photograph next Friday at 1.30 in Pach's studio. Let every one try to be on hand promptly, for once.

HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal with Mr. Locke Friday at 2; Social Union concert, Friday at 7.30 p. m. Serenade at Mrs. Bull's, Saturday at 9.


G. C. BULLARD.HISTORICAL SOCIETY.- The last meeting of the Society will be held at the house of Denman Ross, 24 Craigio street on Thursday evening, May 30, at 8 o'clock. Mr. Warren will speak on "Modern Oxford" and Mr. Darling on "Sectional Parties at Oxford in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries." A full attendance is particularly requested.

H. H. DARLING, Sec'y.
