
Harvard Free Wool Club.

The Harvard Free Wool club held its fifth meeting last evening in 16 Matthews for the purpose of distributing membership shingles. The club was formed about the first of March and has for its object: to promote, and to provide means for the study of tariff reform, and for the study of the best methods of popular government. The club already has over fifty men on its membership roll among whom are many of those who were most interested in the Tariff Reform club last fall.

It is proposed to hold monthly meetings, after college has opened next autumn, each of which will be addressed by some influential and well known Democratic speaker. The club will also take an active democratic interest in general politics. It is desited that everyone interested in the subject should join the club, which may be done by applying to any of the present members. The officers are, Caurey '90 president, Leutz '91, secretary, and Berry, '92, treasurer.
