
New Steam Launch.

The new launch for the University Boat club has been completed and will leave New York in a day or two. Everything seems to be satisfactory, but not until the launch has been put to a severe test, can satisfaction be assured. This necessary test will be made on her trip from New York. Mr. Charles R. Cowley of Brooklyn was the builder of the launch. The dimensions are as follows: Length, 45 feet, beam 7 feet, draft 30 inches aft, 18 inches for ward, cockpit for and aft, accommodation for from fifteen to twenty passengers. The hull is made of white cedar planking, copper fastened throughout, but the keel, frames and waining are made of white oak. The decks are of white pine. The boiler is of sectional steel pipe tested to four hundred pounds hydraulic pressure. The engine can develope fifty horse power at six hundred revolutions. A speed of six teen miles continuously on a consumption of one hundred pounds of coal an hour is guaranteed. A light canvas awning stretched over a slight galvanized pipe affords protection against the weather, while acurtain stretched across from the after bulkhead to the roof separates the after cockpit from the rest of the boat, and may be used as a state room when cruising.

The price of the launch was $3250, but not all of that amount has been obtained. A petition was sent among some of the alumni by the boat club, asking for aid, and by these means over two thousand dollars were raised, which with the cash already on hand will pay the debt within three or four hundred dollars.
