The foot ball tournament ended yesterday. It was prevented from being finished last Tuesday by rain. The touroament has, in every way, been successful, for the appended scores show a marked increase, and it has had the desired effect of bringing out new men. The management is confident that there are many men who are capable of playing foot ball, but have never presented themselves as candidates. It is to be hoped that every man, who has ever played the game, or who is capable of doing so now, will come out next fall and try for the team.
There has been a marked improvement in the long distance kicking. Marvin '89, kicked one goal from the 45-yard line the first week, Curtis '90, kicked two in the second week, and J. Crane '90, kicked seven the third week. Following is the score of the whole tournament including the scores of those who dropped out:
1st w'k. 2d w'k. 3d w'k.
Fitzhugh, '91,. 38. 43 42
Bowman, 91. 29. 58. 59
Curtis, '90. 42. 67. 0
Marvin, '89. 41. 0. 0
Goodwin, '89. 26. 0. 0
Austin, L. S. 39. 62. 57
Chadwick, L. S. 45. 69. 76
Burnham, '90. 34. 34. 43
W. S. Crane, '90. 46. 52. 61
J. Crane, '90. 0. 18. 78
One from 45-yard line.
Two do do
Seven do do
W. S. Crane won the first week with a score of 46 points; Chadwick the second with a score of 69 points, and J. Crane the third and last week with a score of 78 points. A cvp engraved with each winner's name and his score will be given to each of the three winners. The $250 graduates' cup for kicking, to be contested for next fall, will be on exhibition soon.
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