
Boating Notes.

The university and freshman crews are now rowing at least two hours every day, and with the exception of occasional four oars and singles, are the only college oarsmen upon the river. Up to last Friday, Brooks '87. acted as coach of the 'varsity, and since then Storrow '85, has taken charge. The university crew has been slowly gaining, especially during the past week, but although far ahead of last year's crew at this time of the year, much improvement has yet to be made before the New London race. The crew will leave Cambridge as soon as possible after June 10, and will live in the regular Harvard crew quarters on the Thames. The new cedar shell in which the sophomores rowed in the class races is now being used by the university crew and is considered very satisfactory. The new launch, although at present somewhat damaged, is efficient and well suited for the purpose to which it will be put by the crew. The boat is made up of: Bow, Sanford, 158; 2, Alexander, 154; 3, G. Perry, 162; 4, Cranston, 168; 5, Finlay, 190: 6, Tilton, 188; 7, Hutchison, 159: 8, Herrick, 154; coxswain, Whitney; substitutes, Longworth, 170; Perkins '91, 165; Hebard, 165.

Since the class races the freshmen have been hard at work every day preparing for their race at New London with the Columbia freshmen. They have continued to work under the direciton of W. Alexander, L. S, stroke of last year's university crew. Some progress has been made during the last three weeks, but at present it is very noticeable that the crew is rowing a stroke which is short and lacks life, faults which can only be remedied by the exertion of more energy by each man individually. Since the class races Dewey has rowed four, but recently Steadman has taken his place; Rantoul and Powers have also exchanged places. The crew will start for New London on June 14, and have hired the same house which has been used for some years past as the freshman quarters. The makeup of the crew is-stroke, J. H. Goddard, 175 lb; 7, J, H. Kidder, 155; 6, F. N. Watriss, 167; 5, D. F. Jones, 160; 4, G. F. Steadman, 164; 3. J. C. Powers. 150; 2, J. O. Porter, 164; bow, N. Rantoul, 154; coxswain, I. Amory, substitutes, G. C. Dewey, 160, and J. C. Hubbard 153.
