
Assignment of Commencement Parts.

The Commencement Parts were announced Monday. The speakers and their subjects are as follows:

"Italian Humanists," H. H. Darling, Troy, N. Y.; "The Key-note of Keats' Poetry," R. E. N. Dodge, Brookline; "Duties of the Scholar to Public Life," F. B. Jacobs, West Norwell; "Sir Gawayne and Green Knight," H. B. Lathrop, Oakland, Cal.; "Latin Oration," C. H. Moore, Cambridge; "Washington and Lincoln," J. H. Ropes, Andover; "The Place of Mysticism in Modern Life," P. R. Frothingham, Jamaica Plain; "Law and Public Sentiment," E. I. Smith, Lincoln; "French oration," James Geddis, Brookline.
