The Senior class will be photographed at the back of Memorial on Tuesday, June 4 at 1.30.
PHOTO COM.There will be a meeting of the Andover Club at 30 Read's Block, Wednesday evening, May 19, at 7.30.
A black diagonal spring overcoat was lost Thursday, May 9. Will finder please leave it at the Co-operative.
FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- A picture of the club will be taken back of Sever Hall on Tuesday at 1.45 sharp.
SEYMOUR HOWELL.HARVARD BICYCLE CLUB.- The club photograph can now be obtained at Pach's studio. Members are requested to order at once.
PHOTO COM.LOST.- A silk umbrella with silver head bearing the initials A. R. A. Please leave at Leavitt and Peirces.
FINANCE CLUB.- The photograph will be taken today at 1.30 on the north steps of the Library.
C. A. BUNKER, Sec.Will all those who are going to the interscholastic dinner at the Boston Tavern, May 30, sign the book at Leavitt and Peirces at once. The book will be taken away Tuesday morning.
A meeting of those who wish information concerning the opportunities of a career in practical Geology and Engineering will be held at Room No 2. Museum, entrance from Oxford St., on Tuesday evening, May 28, at 7.30.
N. S. SHALER.The following men have not yet been photographed: Ellis, McGehee, Marble, Palmer, Rich, J. M. Smith, Wilson. Unless these are taken before June 1, they will not be included in the class album, and will not be entitled to the class discount. All proofs that are not selected before the same time will be selected by the committee.
PHOTO COM.HISTORICAL SOCIETY.- The last meeting of the Society will be held at the house of Denman Ross, 24 Craigie street on Thursday evening, May 30, at 8 o'clock. Mr. Warren will speak on "Modern Oxford" and Mr. Darling on "Sectional Parties at Oxford in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries." A full attendance is particularly requested.
H. H. DARLING, Sec'y.
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