The annual meeting of the Interscholastic Athletic Association will take place on Holmes Field, Thursday May 30, at 10 a. m. The following nine preparatory schools will be represented: Roxbury Latin, Boston Latin, Hopkinson's, Nobles, Hales, English High, Worcester Academy, Newton High, and Phillips Exeter. The events, for which there are 163 entries in all, will be-one hundred yards dash, half mile run, four hundred and forty yards dash, two hundred and twenty yards dash, one hundred and twenty yards hurdle race, mile walk, running high jump, running broad jump, pole vault, putting the shot (16 lbs.), throwing the hammer (12 lbs.), mile bicycle race, and throwing the base ball. G. B. Morrison, '83, will act as referee, and the judges will be G. S. Mandell, '89, R. G. Leavitt '89, G. Beals and C. Kip.
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The 'Varsity Eleven.