

LOST.- On Jarvis, last Thursday, a fountain pen.

R. W. HALE, 4 College House.H. B. C.- Run to Franklin park and Bussey Institute. Start at 4 p. m. front of U

E. F. ROGERS, Captain.LOST.- About noon on Saturday, a red check book. Will the finder please leave at Charles River National Bank.

Members of the Freshman Glee club may obtain their shingles by calling at 25 Church street today between 12 and 1

J. C. HUBBARD.FRERHMAN GLEE CLUB.- A picture of the club will be taken back of Sever Hall on Tuesday at 1.45 sharp.


SEYMOUR HOWELL.The following men please be on Jarvis field this afternoon at 3.30 sharp: Cummin, Neff, Allen, Carpenter, Wrenn, Wood, Spalding, Hulley.

HARVARD BICYCLE CLUB.- The club photograph can now be obtained at Pach's studio. Members are requested to order at once.

PHOTO COM.LOST.- A new fountain pen, between the library and Oxford street. The finder will confer a favor by returning it to the owner at the library.

W. C. LANE.Will all those who are going to the interscholastic dinner at the Boston Tavern, May 30, sign the book at Leavitt and Peirces at once. The book will be taken away Tuesday morning.

ZOOLOGICAL CLUB.- The last meeting of the year will be held tonight, at the Museum. Doors open, 7.15 to 7.30. Short papers on (1) Maturation of the egg; (2) Limb-buds in reptiles; (3) Symbiosis between rotifers and Hepatics.

PIERIAN SODALITY.- The annual dinner of the society will be observed Monday, May 27th, at 7.30 p. m., at the Boston Tavern. Let every man make a violent effort to be present. Dress suits.

C. W. GLEASON, Sec'y.The following men have not yet been photographed: Ellis, McGehee, Marble, Palmer, Rich, J. M. Smith, Wilson. Unless these are taken before June 1, they will not be included in the class album, and will not be entitled to the class discount. All proofs that are not selected before the same time will be selected by the committee.

