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The nine met with its second defeat in the championship games at New Haven on Saturday. The result was a disappointment to the college, but there were many points in the playing of the nine which calls forth commendation, and the team should not be too severely criticized for its work. Yale obtained a tremendous lead in the first inning but the Harvard team played pluckily an up hill game and kept up heart till the last. Harvards's errors were very costly. Twice wild throws let in three unearned runs. These unexcusable errors, however, were confined to one or two men on the team, and the others played well straight through. There is one point, nevertheless, in which the nine must make vast improvement if they hope to make a creditable showing. We refer to the batting, which was deplorably weak. Unless the nine make a great advance in this particular their chances for success are indeed slight.

This defeat, coming as it does at the most unfavorable time of the season, should not cause discouragement. Four out of Harvard's remaining five games are to be played in Cambridge, and the team will have the advantage of playing on the home grounds while its opponents will have a corresponding disadvantage. In addition to this, we know that the team may count on hearty support from the college. The men throughout the university feel that Harvard's chances for final victory are by no means to be despaired of, and they will do all in their power to help to this much-desired end.
