
Fact and Rumor.

About sixty men have signed to go to Yale today.

The elective pamphlet will be out by next Monday.

The doubles in the tennis tournament begin today.

The freshman crew will leave for New Haven on the fifteenth of June.

Chapters of the Delta Phi and Zeta Psi have been organized at Yale.


Columbia's Champion is the name of a new weekly paper on athletics, published in Boston.

J. A. Lowell '91, has been appointed manager of the varsity foot ball team, vice Lawrence Brooks '91, resigned.

The CRIMSON will post reports of the Harvard-Yale game after the third, sixth and ninth innings at Leavitt's.

Linn will resume his old position in right field in the Yale game today.

The faculty of Harvard have requested the pitcher of the Harvard baseball nine not to pitch until he has learned his lessons.- Ex.

The game scheduled for Monday with Boston will not be played, the Boston team being obliged to play a postponed game with Indianapolis.

Copies of the resolutions drawn up by the graduates in regard to Harvard morality will be sent to all the leading college papers.

At a meeting of the Yale University foot ball eleven, held last Tuesday, the resignation of Captain Rhodes was accepted, and Gill '89 elected to fill his place.

The Glee club will sing at the Cambridge Social Union next Wednesday and also at a farewell reception to Mr. Gericke at Mrs. Ole Bull's some evening early in the week.

A large number of false summonses were sent out yesterday by some malicious person or persons. A copy of a genuine summons and one of a false summons are posted on the door of U. 5, under the signature of Professor Eliot.
