
Glee Club Concert.

Owing to a lack of space in yesterday's issue we were unable to give an account of the Glee club concert in Sanders on Wednesday. A good-sized audience welcomed the four musical organizations and applanded their efforts very liberally and impartially. The honors of the evening were carried off by the Pierian. The society has made marked improvement over its work last fall and reflects great credit upon the leader. The rendering of the march from Tawnhauser was highly commendable and the audience demanded an encore.

The Banjo club maintained its usual high standard and gave its three selections in excellent taste. The club was obliged to respond to encore at each selection. The introduction of the Guitar club at the concert was the innovation of the evening. The club acked somewhat in confidence but with a little more experience it is sure to fill its place. The work of the Glee club was not so satisfactory as usual. The club showed a decided lack of rehearsing. There was dancing in Memorial after the concert.
