
Fact and Rumor.

There was no recitation in History XI yesterday.

63 College House is vacant for 1889-90.

Norman Hapgood, '90, has been elected an editor of the Monthly.

Wagenhurst, Princeton '88 has signed with the Minneapolis team.

Professor J. E. Russell has tendered his resignation of the chair of Biblical Theology in the Divinity School.


A consolidared nine has been formed at Amherst to give the University and Freshman nines practice.

Brooks '87 and Storrow '89 are at present coaching the 'varsity crew. Storrow '85 is expected back soon.

The members of the '89 crew were tendered a banquet last Tuesday evening by some members of the senior class.

Coxe, Yale '87 who was expected to enter the Intercollegiate games from University of Pennsylvania, left for Europe last Saturday.

Professor Griffin, of Willams, has been appointed to the chair of History of Philosophy at John Hopkins.

George W. Childs of Philadelphia has offered fifty dollars as a prize for the best entrance examination to Princeton.

It is reported that the Williams battery, Williams and Clerke, will play with the Millers of Wakefield this summer.

Mr. and Mrs. Trumbull of Baltimore, Md., have given $20,000 to Johns Hopkins University to endow a memorial series of lectures on poetry.

C. O. Gill, Yale '89 has decided to take a graduate course next year and will accept the position of captain of the 'varsity foot ball team.

In the tennis tournament yesterday, Tallant beat Lockett 2 sets to 1. The players will use any courts today as none will be specially reserved.

Some additional amendments were made to the regulations at the Faculty meeting yesterday afternoon, but they will not be announced for a week.

The Yale Glee and Banjo clubs gave a concert in Chickering Hall, New York last Friday evening and netted about $400 for the boat club.

In the Pennsylvania State Intercollegiate Athletic games held on Saturday the University of Pennsylvania won first place with eight prizes out of a possible fifteen.

The Seniors who are to accompany the Princeton scientific expedition this summer have been chosen by competitive examination. The expedition will be made to the dead lands of Oregon in the interest of palaeontology and geology.

Next year President Dwight of Yale will deliver a course of lectures to the Seniors of the Theoligical School upon topics connected with the New Testament Theology.
