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This afternoon the freshman nine will play its first base-ball game with Yale, '92. The freshman nine, take it all in all, has had much hard luck since the season opened. It has been steadily improving, however, and has made a fair showing in the class games. Its work last Saturday at Amherst was a disappointment to all in the college; that day the men played a listless game during the first part of the contest, and in that time the game was almost hopelessly lost. We sincerely hope and trust that, whatever the outcome of this afternoon's contest may be, it will not be necessary to condemn the players for playing a game like that in the first part of Saturday's contest. There is certainly excellent material in the nine. It has usually been considered a strong batting team, and if the men play the steady game which they have shown themselves capable of, there should be no doubt about the outcome of the game this afternoon. The men will have the advantage of playing on the home grounds, supported by the presence of a large number of enthusiastic Harvard men. Especially is it to be hoped that the men should not become discouraged if Yale should obtain a lead early in the game. We know that the Ninety-two nine can, if it will, play a steady up-hill game.

We feel no doubt that the team will be supported by the whole college with the utmost enthusiasm it is capable of. The class made a glorious beginning in the foot-ball game last fall, and now we shall look forward to as triumphant a victory in base-ball.
