
Fact and Rumor.

Blue books in English A must be handed in on next Tuesday.

The regular weekly exercises in Spanish I will be held today.

Darling '89 will lecture on the abolition of Slavery in History 13 and 17 tomorrow.

Blue books for the final examinations in Chemistry B. must be handed in by next Tuesday.

The University of Pennsylvania will send a tug of war team to the intercollegiate games.


Haverford College defeated the Young America's of Philadelphia at cricket last Saturday by a score of 62 to 31.

There will be a make-up examination in Political Economy 4 for those who were not present at the mid-year, on Thursday May 30, at 2 p. m. in U. 13.

The following men have been elected as the second eight of the O. K. from '90: Bates, Cobb, Duncan, Fairbank, Hapgood, Lothrop, Poor, Pulsifier.

Twelve men from the class of '91 were taken on the Institute of 1770 at the last election; of these the names of Barron and Rogers were omitted from the list in yesterday's CRIMSON.

The officers for the Institute dinner at the Parker House tomorrow evening are: A. J. Cumnock. president; A. B. Nicholstoast master: J. Wendell Jr., poet; RtH. Post, orator; R. W. Atkinson, choristor. A. J. Cumnock, S. V. R. Crosby, W. K. Flint, are the committee.

For the New England Intercollegiate A. A. meeting at Worcester tomorrow, Amherst has entered 18 men, Brown 14, Dartmouth 11, Polytechnic 20, Trinity 9, Wesleyan 3, Williams 12, not including tug of war teams.

The first interscholastic athletic tournament between Exeter and Andover will be held at Exeter some time this spring, probably about the tenth of June. A great deal of interest is being taken by the members of both schools in the tournament, and the indications are that most of the events will be warmly contested. In the morning of the same day the spring tennis tournament between Exeter and Andover will be played at Exeter.
