"The Crusade of Richard I. by T. A. Archer, has been received from the press of G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York. It is the fifth in the series of books edited by F. Y. Parker entitled "English" History by contemporary writers. The former volumes of this series have been exceptionably good, not only for general reading but for historical references. The book just issued proves to be in no wise inferior to the previous volumes. To mention the subject "The third Crusade of the Christians under Richard I of England" is enough at once to awaken an interest even in the casual reader, The doings of the doughty Richard Coeur de Lion, have always possessed that romantic air of mystery which surrounds the period of the middle ages; and in Mr. Archer's volume is given an account of his deeds in the east at the time of the great crusade. The account has the advantage of possessing the Saracen as well as the Christian idea of his character, and it moreover gives the Mohammedan story of the battles of the crusades. Such authorities have been cited as the ancient historians Bohadin, Ernoul, and Ambrose, who were actually in Palestine when the events which they described took place. The book is almost entirely free from the dryness of technical and historical detail, and bears more the nature of an entertaining narrative. Numerous maps and illustrations serve to bring the places and persons of the time still more clearly before the reader.
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