
Yale Mott Haven Entries.

The team which will represent Yale at the intercollegiate games next Saturday is smaller than Yale usually sends but its chances of winning the cup are considered excellent. The team is strong in the same respects as it was last year. Thirty-two men have been entered in the various events, but it is not probable that more than twenty of these will compete. Sherill '89, captain of the team, is running in fine form, and is generally considered a winner of the 100 yards dash and the 220 yards dash, although Lee and Moen of Harvard, may push him hard. Shearman, '89 has twice won the broad jump, and once the pole vault. He has improved in both these events this year, having vaulted 10 feet 5 inches recently. He is a cool man, and is sure to do as well, if not better, in competion than in practice.

Harmar, '90, who holds the record for the mile run, has trained very carelessly, and is in poor condition. Unless his work improves greatly before next Saturday he will not by any means be a sure winner of this event. Lloyd, '91 and Cheney '92, are running the mile in good time. Hinckley '89, and Holton L. S., are both doing good work in the half mile run, and Williams '91, and Deming '90, S., are running the 120 yards hurdle race in 17 seconds.

Every effort is being made to develop men for the two mile bicycle race; Clark and Weare are both good men, but are not very likely to win from Davis and Bailey, of Harvard. Elcock, '91 is hoped to win second place in putting the shot. No tug-of-war team has been entered. The men have been trained again this year by Murphy who is considered the best coach Yale has ever had.

The entries in detail are as follows; Two mile bicycle race-W. W. Weare, F. A. Clarke, A. J. Kountze; throwing hammer-G. W. Woodruff, H. A. Eicock; 220 yards dash-C. H. Sherrill, M. L. Deming, F. W. Robinson, H. F. Walker; 100 yards dash-C. H. Sherrill Jr., F. W. Robinson. H. L Williams, E. M. Griswold, N. L. Deming, E. B. Hinckley, W. B. Wright, F. C. Janeway, S. H. Rowe, H. F. Walker; mile run-W. Harmar, H. Cheney, J. D. Lloyd, Jr. E. P. Holton, A. L. Reynolds; mile walk-R. M. Raymond, W. G. Bronson, L. R. Parkei; 220 yard hurdle-N. L. Deming, H. L. Williams, J. F. Kilson, S. R. Pearce, E. Lentilhon, F. Walker; half mile run-W. W. Harmer, E. B. Hinckley, E. P. Holton, A. L. Reynolds; pole vault-T. G. Shearman, F. C. Wolcott, E. D. Ryder; 120 yard hurdle-N. L. Deming, H. L. Williams, E. Lentilhon.
