LOST.- Note book marked "Samuel Dexter." Please return to 9 Linden St.
Men who intend to accompany the nine to New Haven must sign at Leavitt and Peirce's at once.
HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- There is a rehearsal today at 1.30 p. m.
W. F. GAY, Secretary.CRICKET ELEVEN.- All candidates will come to Watertown on 3 o'clock car, or as soon after as possible.
R. D. BROWN.Will the person who has an English note book belonging to S. P. Cabot, please return it to the owner immediately.
S. P. CABOT, 35 Thayer.INSTITUTE OF 1770-All who have not signed for the dinner on Thursday must do so today, as the book will be taken away from Leavitt's this evening
COMMITTEE.PIERIAN SODALITY-Rehearsal of entire orchestra on Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock sharp. Every member who intends to play at the concert must be present.
GLEE CLUB, PIERIAN, BANJO CLUB, AND GUITAR CLUB.- All money for tickets, and all unsold tickets must be handed in at Severs before 12 o'clock, noon, Tuesday, May 21st. Members will be held responsible for tickets not returned at that time.
G. C. BULLARD.A number of the present and former members of the class of '89 have not returned to the class secretary any of the blanks which were sent them. It is very important that the class secretary should hear immediately from every one who received the blanks. The "Permanent Address" asked for, meant only an address to which letters may be sent for the next five years. If any members of the class failed to receive the blanks they are requested to notify at once the secretary,
J. H. ROPES, 39 Thayer.
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