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Last Friday evening the freshman Glee and Banjo clubs gave their last regular concert of the season. They certainly are to be congratulated on the work which they have done. Never before has so large an amount of money been raised for the support of the freshman crew by freshman musical organizations, and the members of these clubs deserve all the heartier praise on this account. The most of the success this year is due to hard work. Both the Glee and Banjo clubs have practiced unceasingly since their organization last fall, and conscientious and painstaking work has been done by almost every man. The executive officers of the club this year have been unusually energetic and much should be attributed to them for the favorable outcome of the season's work.

The clubs have shown by their earnest work that they have the best interests of the class at heart and, therefore, it is not only from the management of the crew that thanks should come to them, but also from the whole class.
