SOPHOMORE THEATRICALS.- Rehearsal tonight at 7.30 promptly. All who intend to go on the trip must be present.
R. W. ATKINSON.CRICKET CLUB.- All men who can possibly do so, will leave on the three o'clock car, all others on the 4 o'clock car. Important.
HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB.- There will be a regular meeting of the Harvard Shooting Club this afternoon at Watertown. The Founders Cup will be shot for. Take 1.30 car.
Y. M. C. A.- The Y. M. C. A. will meet at 6.45 o'clock in the society rooms, Lawrence Hall. All members of the University cordially invited.
Owing to a mistake on my part, the posters announce that the 'Varsity Meeting, on May 7th is to be handicap. This is a mistake, All the events at that meeting are scratch.
J. WENDELL Jr, Sec., H. A. A.
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Foxcroft Club Election.