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A week from tonight the Conference Francaise will give its annual theatricals, for which the men have been rehearsing very diligently. This year they will give two plays and we hope that all the students who understand French, will encourage and help the society by their presence. It will be remembered that, last fall the Conference arranged for M. Coqnelin who was then playing in Boston, to lecture before the University. We understand that the expenses of this lecture, which fell entirely upon the society, were quite heavy, and depleted to quite anextent the treasury of the society, which is by no means rich. Next Thursday evening, those who listened to M. Coquelin, will have a chance to show in a substantial manner their appreciation of the efforts of the society, and, the interest they take in its welfare.

The society heretofore has been a kind of experiment, but a repetition of the success of the theatricals given last year, will put the society on a firm basis and insure its prosperity. The benefits derived from a society like the Conference are totally different from any which can be obtained from the academical department of the univeraity, yet they are of great importance, and can be obtained only from some such source.

Let all make an effort to go to the theatricals, which, if those of last year be any criterion, should be good, and by their presence insure not only the prosperity of the Conference Francaise, but also the success of its efforts.
