The annual spring tournament will begin on Wednesday, May 22. All who intend to enter it must be at 61 Thayer between 1.30 and 1.45 p. m. on Wednesday and must pay their entrance fees then-$100 for singles, 75 cents apiece for doubles. The drawings will then be made and the result will be announced before 2 o'clock. Contestants may then arrange the time of their matches.
The preliminary and first rounds of singles must be finished and the scores left with the man in charge of the counts or at 61 Thayer on Thursday before 8 p. m. The committee will then rule out of the tournament all who not complied with the above conditions. The second round of singles must be finished by Friday evening. The doubles may begin as soon as contestants wish. Further regulation for singles will be announced later.
The sets will be best two in three third set deuce. Finals best 3 in 5 deuce.
G. W. LEE.
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