

FENCING CLUB.- Members who have paid their dues can obtain shingles of the secretary.

HARVARD BICYCLE CLUB.- Run to Chestnut Hill. Start 4 p. m., in front of University.

E. F. ROGERS, Capt.HARVARD GUITAR AND MANDOLINE CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 7 in Holworthy 8; Saturday, with Glee club at 1.30. Every one must come to both.

LOST.- A new Dana's Manual of Geology. Name on title page. Please return to J. L. Dodge, 18 M.

LOST.- A black cheviot overcoat with velvet collar and black lining. May be left at Leavitt and Peirce's.


LOST.- A red leather pocket book containing a base ball season ticket. Finder will please leave at 12 Thayer.

LOST.- Probably in the library, a new black silk umbrella with gray handle. Will finder please leave with librarian, or address J. O. Powers, 42 Divinity.
