
Fact and Rumor.

The final examinations at Yale begin on June 6.

The freshman Glee and Banjo clubs will give a concert tonight at Milton.

The freshman nine will play Amherst Ninety-two at Amherst tomorrow.

The Andover-Exeter game will be played at Exeter on June 8.

The elective pamphlet has been delayed, and will not be out for a few days.


A. H. Jones '92 has been elected permanent captain of the Yale freshman nine.

All rewritten themes in English B must be handed in before the end of the month.

The University of Pennsylvania will send a tug-of-war team to the Mott Haven games.

Yale will have eleven representatives in the Staten Istand Athletic games next Saturday.

The examinations for honor in Political Science will be held on Saturday and Monday, June 1 and 3 in University 20.

The Columbia College Dramatic club has decided to give two extra performances of the burlesque entitled "William Penn."

The last lecture in English B will be given by Professor Wendell next Tuesday, May 21. The subject will be the elective courses offered by the English department.

The statement in the New Haven Palladium this morning that Corbin fainted in the University boat yesterday, is a fabrication entirely without foundation.- Yale News, May 15,

The revised schedule for the finals is in the hands of the printer and will be out in a day or two. The only change which has been made from the provisional schedule is in Latin 7, which has been shifted to its original group in the catalogue.
