HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal today at 4.30 p. m.
W. F. GAY. Sec.HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB.- Regular meeting at Watertown this afternoon. Take 1.30 car.
HARVARD GUITAR AND MANDOLINE CLUB.- Rehearsal with Glee club at 4.30 in Roberts hall. All must be on hand promptly.
CONNECTICUT CLUB.- The photograph will be taken today on the Library steps, at 1.30 p. m. Be prompt as the photographer has another engagement.
A. E. BECKWITH, Sec.All seniors who desire to are requested to write words for a class song and send them to M. A. Taylor, Chorister, before May 18th.
It is important that all the order lists now in the hands of the Seniors, should be handed in before May 21. If any have lost or mislaid them call at once at Pach's Studio and get others.
Pach's room photographer is ready to make appointments. This should not be delayed as in many cases the foliage will soon be so thick as to in jure the light.
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Official Notice.