
Fact and Rumor.

There will be an hour examination in Chemistry 3 tomorrow.

The cricket team plays at Longwood next Saturday.

Hereafter no subject will be assigned for the Friday themes in English 12.

There will be a meeting of the shooting club at Watertowu this afternoon.

The last number of the American Architec has a drawing of the new Harvard gateway.


Professor Cohn will speak on "Le Proces de Boulanger," at the meeting of the Conference Francaise tonight.

Approximate marks for the year in English B may be obtained of the instructors.

The annual New York concert of the Yale University Glee and Banjo clubs takes place tomorrow.

The "Crimson" nine defeated the Groton school team at Groton yesterday by a score of 19 to 16.

The revised list of the final examinations will be published in tomorrow's issue of the CRIMSON.

Yesterday morning in the football tournament, J. Crane made a total of eighteen ponts, including three goals from the forty-five yards line. This is the largest score yet made in one day.

While the Yale crew were rowing on the harbor last Tuesday afternoon, W. H. Corbin suddenly fell back in his seat in a dead faint. The cause of this sudden illness is heart disease and Corbin will be kept out of the boat for some time.- Boston Herald.

A communication in last Monday's issue of the "Princetonian" states that unless whose who have promised subscriptions for the lacrosse team pay up immediately, the team will be unable to go to Cambridge next Saturday the 18th.
