HARVARD ELECTRIC CLUB-Meeting tonight at 35 Weld, 7.30 sharp. Important business.
L. K. PEROT, Sec.HARVARD BICYCLE CLUB.- Smoker tonight at 7 o'clock in 14 Holworthy. Full attendance desired. Adoption of a new constitution.
E F ROGERS, Capt.All seniors who desire to are requested to write words for a class song and send them to M. A. Taylor, Chorister, before May 18th.
The following men will be on Jarvis at 3 sharp: Butterworth, Aiken, McKean, McCoy, Piper, Bates, Barney and Codman.
R. E. FAULKER.O. K.- The anniversary dinner will be held at the Parker House, Boston, Wednesday, May 15, at 7 o'clock. The price per plate will be $2.50, to be paid at the dinner.
The following men will meet at the gate between Harvard and Massachussetts at eleven o'clock sharp to take the 11.19 train for Groton: Brooks, Fitzhugh. Paine, Sturgis, Gray, Howell, Aiken, Richardson.
NINETY-ONE NINE.- The following men will please be on Jarvis Field at 2 o'clock sharp today to play '89: Nichols, Weld, Lamb, Guerin, Babbitt, Bowman, Corning, Embick, Washburn.
W. K. FLINT, Mang'r.HISTORICAL SOCIETY.- The next meeting of the society will be held at the house of Professor Emerton, 19 Chauncy street, Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. The subject for discussion will be the "Carmina Burana."
H. H. DARLING, Sec.It is important that all the order lists now in the hands of the Seniors, should be handed in before May 21. If any have lost or mislaid them call at once at Pach's Studio and get others.
Pach's room photographer is ready to make appointments. This should not be delayed as in many cases the foliage will soon be so thick as to in jure the light.
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