The Bicycle Race-Meet, held Saturday on the Holmes field track, was successful in every respect. The events were well contested and exciting. The weather was fine and the track in very good condition. The track is four laps to a mile and the turns are rather sharp for bicycling, but under the circumstances some of the events were very fast. The meeting was well managed and the events passed off smoothly, and without delay.
1. One mile safety race-The starters were R. H. Davis and E. A. Bailey, of Harvard, G. H. Herriot of Needham, and W. G. F. Class of the Berkeley Athletics. Davis and Bailey rapidly drew away from the other men, the former winning in the fast time of 2 minutes, 53 3-5 seconds. Bailey was second by a few yards, and Class third by half a lap.
2. The quarter-mile ordinary bicycle race was run in three trial heats. Will Windle of the N Y A C was expected to enter this event but was prevented by an injury received a few days ago while training. The starters in the first heat were Brown of N Y A C, Clark, of Dorchester, and Shoefer, Berkeley Athletic association. Brown won in 41 2-5 seconds. The second heat was between Brown, Holmes, and Greenleaf, all of Harvard. Brown won in 45 seconds. Holmes took a bad header at the finish but was not seriously in jured. In the third heat Delabarre of Amherst had a walk over, riding the distance in 46 1-5 seconds. In the final heat the winners of the trial heats contested. F. G. Brown was ruled out because his starter stepped over the line, and the race was given to K. Brown of Harvard, who finished second by about two yards in 41 1-5 seconds.
3. One mile interscholastic race-First heat; starters, Davis of Brown and Nichols, Forbes of English High school, Thayer of Cambridge Latin school, and Atwater of the Roxbury Latin school. Atwater fell while leading at the end of the third lap. Davis won by a pretty spurt in the last lap. Time, 3 minutes, 13 1-5 seconds; Forbes second. Second heat; walkover for Kimball of Cambridge Latin school. Time 3 minutes, 41-5 seconds. 1 The final heat was won by Davis, in 3 minutes, 30 seconds; Forbes second, Kimball third.
4. The mile handicap safety race was the best event of the day. Starters, Davis and Bailey (scratch), Porter (75 yards), Class (75 yards). Bailey and Davis easily passed the distance men and rode together the whole race. Davis finally won in 2.52 1-5; Bailey about two yards behind, Porter a bad third.
5. Two mile ordinary, handicap-First heat; Van Wagoner of Newport (100 yards), Brown of New York (100 yards), J. P. Clark of Dorchester (125 yards), E. Clark of Dorchester (175 yards), Schoefer of Berkeley A. C. (100 yards), and Frost of Monack B C, (200 yards). Won by Schaefer; time, 5.52 3-5. J. P. Clark second, E. Clark third. Second heat; Greenleaf, H B C (125 yards), Delabarre of Amherst (200 yards), and Berlo of South Boston (125 yards). Finished in the order of starting. The final heat was very exciting. Schoefer, J. P. Clark, Delabarre and Greenleaf rode the last four laps bunched, taking the lead alternately. They finished in the order named, Schoefer's time being 5.50 4 5.
6. One mile club race, 3.20 class-The starters were Weissman, '92, Rogers, '90, and T. Barron, '91. Barron won in 3.9 3-5; Rogers second by thirty yards.
7. Two-mile tandem safety-Three pairs started, E. A. and E. W. Bailey, R. H. Davis and George Hendee, and J. W. Schoefer and W. G. F. Class. The latter men were quickly distanced. The first mile was a very close and exciting race between the other two couples, but the Bailey brothers gradually drew away, and finished nearly half a lap ahead. Time 6 minutes, 4-5 seconds.
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