A well attended meeting of men from other colleges was held last night in Sever 11. A permanent organization was effected, to be known as the "Harvard Intercollegiate Club." The constitution adopted states the object of the club to be "to bring together its members for mutual entertainment, and especially to lend any assistance possible to newly arrived students from other colleges." There will be an earnest endeavor to make the Graduate Department here and the life of men coming here from other institutions so attractive that a large number of men will be drawn here. Graduate students, students of the University and other men pursuing studies in any department of the University shall be eligible for membership.
The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: president, W. H. Siebert; vice-president, Markly; secretary and treasurer, Morris; executive committee, the above named with Messrs. Setchell Gr., Delabarre, Gr., Manley, Gr., Sabin, Gr., Roe, Gr., Nields, '89, Rich, '89, Conger, '90, and Ball, '89.
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