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It is reported that no entries have yet been received for the inter scholastic race at the bicycle race meet on May 11. This is to be regretted for it was hoped to make this event a prominent feature of the meeting. The encouragement of athletics in the preparatory schools has received much attention during the past year and inter scholastic leagues of base ball and foot ball have been organized. It is for the purpose of carrying out this idea that the interscholastic race was given a place in the programme. Bicycling is a form of contest which requires long training for proficiency, and it was thought that the future standard might be raised by inducing men to begin to train before coming to college.

The secretary of the committee has written to the various preparatory school athletic associations urging them to send men to compete. We second the appeal and hope it will be heeded. Surely so good an opportunity ought not to be lost through apathy.
