
Theatricals of La Conference Francaise.

The theatricals of La Conference Francaise will be given in the Hasty Pudding building on Thursday, May 9, at 8 p. m. The first play is "Les Deux Sourds," a comedy in one act, by Jules Moineaux. The principle parts have been allotted as follows:

Damoiseau C. H. C. Wright, '91.

Placidi H. H. Thorndike, '90.

Boniface R. H. Davis, '91.

Eglantine C. Livingston, '90.


The second play, "L'Affaire de la Rue de Lourcine," is a comedy in one act by Labiche, Monnier and Martin. The cast is as follows:

Lenglume C. H. C. Wright,'91.

Mistingue A. Sweeny, Sp.

Justin H. F. Strout, '90.

Potard J. C. B. Burbank, '89.

Norine W. E. Beer, '91.

The rehearsals are progressing very satisfactorily, and the plays bid fair to be the best ever given by the Conference.
