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We wish to call attention to the announcement, on another page, of the special service to be held in Appleton chapel tomorrow morning. Though the ninteenth century is characterized as an age too practical for much sentiment or great display of patriotism, we feel sure that the call by our honored president of the United States to meet for public worship and thansgiving on the centennial of inauguration of our first president will be loyally answered by the most practical citizens among us, and it is to be hoped that Harvard, the leading university in the land, will be among the first to celebrate the occasion and express gratitude for the present prosperity of our nation. Therefore, may Tuesday morning not find a lack of patriotism among us, and may there not be an opportunity offered to the outside world further to display Harvard in difference.

The fact that Mr. Justin Winsor is to deliver the address is an additional reason for a large attendance, for not only does courtesy demand an acknowledgement of Mr. Winsor's kindness in consenting to address the students, but what he has to say will assuredly be worthy of our closest attention.
