The most promising candidates for the university lacrosse team have gone to a training table. The team has not yet been definitely selected, and probably will not be for a week or more yet. The men practice every afternoon and upon their showing in the field depends the final choice for a few doubtful places. The men now at the training table are- P. Griswold, Blodgett, Rourke, Reisner, Haskell, Hall '91. Stetson, Leland, and Morton, '91. Besides these, Towle, Huntress, Henshaw, and Thorndike, are in training' and Wells will play after the class races. Of these men the seven members of last year's team will occupy their old positions. Haskell and Leland are playing attack, and the other new men defence. The team will be made up somewhat as follows: goal, Hall or Morton; point, Reisner; cover point, Griswold; defence field, Henshaw, Stetson; centre, Wells; attack field, Towle, Rourke, Thorndike Haskell; homes, Huntress, Blodgett.
The championship games begin on May 18, against Princeton at Cambridge, and then come those against Lehigh, May 25, at Bethlehem, Pa., and Stevens, May 30, at Cambridge. It has been extremely difficult to arrange practice games because so many of the loca clubs have disbanded, but probably a match will be arranged with Waltham for May 4. A game with a picked team of graduate3 may also be secured. If the Boston Athletic Club orfanize a twelve, as it is hoped they may, Harvard will probably meet them also.
At present there seems to be a good chance for making a hard and even a winning fight for the championship. There are enough old men to form a good nucleus, and as the new material is unusually promising, the team will probably be stronger than that of last year. If no accidents happen to the players, Harvard may hope to win back the honors which now rest with Princeton.
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Sophomore Dinner.