

FOUND.- Three umbrellas. Apply at College Library, (coat room).

LOST.- A gold watch chain. $15.00 reward if left at Leavitt and Peirces.

Candidates for the Junior nine will meet at 2.45 today to play '91. Practice game.

CRICKET CLUB.- Candidates for the eleven will meet at the horse car transfer at 2 o'clock to take car for Watertown.

R. D. BROWN.FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal for concert today at 12 o'clock. Special car will leave for Art Club at 7 p. m.


SEYMOUR HOWELL, Pres.HARVARD SECOND NINE.- The following men be on Holmes to practice with the freshmen. Piper, Wood, Cummings, Bailey, Barney, Faulkner. Thayer, Duncan, Babbitt.

F. B. MCKEAN.HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- There will be a rehearsal to day in Roberts Hall at 1.30, p. m. Fines for absence are still in force.

W. R. GAY. Sec'y.
