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Two or three months ago the graduates of other colleges, who are now students at Harvard held a meeting and elected a committee to find out the feeling that prevailed in regard to Harvard among such students. We publish the report of this committee in today's CRIMSON. There are undoubtedly many unjust and ignorant opinions prevalent in other colleges and the outside world in regard to Harvard, its morals and the capaclty and desire of its students for serious work. Harvard methods arein a measure misunderstood, first in so far as our university is liberal and progressive, so far there is a tendency, steadily growing less we hope, to misconstrue its tone and its powers of calling forth earnest work.

This work done by graduates of other colleges who can well compare Harvard with other institutions, is worthy of great praise. Their report shows an opinion of higher moral tone, of greater earnestness for work, of superior advantages for this work at Harvard, than is possessed by any college or university in the country. They tell what those who have investigated the matter know to be true without the shadow of doubt, but the more we can emphaslze these facts and present Harvard in her true light, the better, and surely this report speaks with strong emphasis.

We are very glad that a club of graduates of other colleges is to be formed. Our graduate department offers splendid facilities for work, and is a department on which our reputation as a university will in a great measure depend. To a club of this sort, whose purpose is to bring home to students of other colleges the advantages that Harvard offers for study, we extend our heartiest encouragement.
