

Tickets for the Conference Francaise theatricals are for sale at Thnrston's.

FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal today at 1.20 o'clock with Mr. Locke.

J. C. HUBBARD.CONFERENCE FRANCAISE.- There will be a rehearsal of "I'affaire de la Rue de Lourcine" this afternoon at five.

TO LET.- For the remainder of the year, half of Matthews 2, furnished. Inquire at the room.

HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB.- There will be a regular meeting of the Harvard Shooting Club, this afternoon at Watertown. Take 1. 30 car.


ANDOVER CLUB.- The Andover Club will meet on this evening, April 26. at 24 Holworthy. Professor E. G. Coy, of the Academy, will be the guest of Club.

The following men will please be at Leavitt and Pierce's today at 1.45 p. m. in uniform, to go to Brookline: Austin L. S. Trafford, Talbot, Thayer, Clark, Holmes, Reynolds, Magee.

J. M. SMITH.If anyone has any copies of the football rules previous to '87 that they will dispose of, I should like them. I will pay 25 cents for copies of '85-'86 and '86-'87, and 50 cents for any previous year.

R. S. HALE, 26 Holyoke St.HARVARD CAMERA CLUB.- Members desiring lockers should apply at once to the secretary. Each locker will be assigned to two men. Shingles are ready for distribution. Hours, 1.30 to 2 and 6.30 to 7 p. m., Thayer 66. Keys to the dark rook are also ready for distribution.

R. W. WOOD.Only the following men remain to be photographed. Will they please sit at once? Codman, Craven, Downer, Ellis, Hawley, Henshaw, Hobart, Jennings, Jewell, Johnson, Joline, Luck, Lydig, McGehee, Mairs, Marble, Marvin, J. D. Merrill, L. H. Morgan, Nields, Odell, Rich, Saltonstall, J. M. Smith, Taylor, F. W. Thayer, Trail, Walsh. E. D. Warren, Wilson,. Will those who have not chosen their proofs do so at once?

