
Class Championship Games.

A meeting was held on Tuesday evening to decide upon rules and a schedule for the government of the class base ball games. Brown represented the Freshmen, Smith the Seniors and Faulkner the Juniors and Lawrence Brooks acted for Crosby, captain of the sophomores. The rules and schedule s drawn up are appended:

1, Any team failing to appear ready to play any scheduled game at the appointed time, shall forfeit the game to the opposing nine.

Amendment. In case two teams do not play a scheduled game each one shall forfeit a game.

2. Games shall be postponed on account of bad weather only.

3. The umpire shall be chosen from the captains of the non-contending teams and in case of his non-appearance the captains of the contending nines must choose an umpire from the members of the non-contending teams.


4. The umpire shall have full power in deciding the postponement of games and in calling games on account of darkness.

5. The umpire shall have full power in case of intentional delay by a team to declare the game forfeited to the other team.

6. All questions of the eligibility of players shall be left to the decision of the captain of the University nine.

April 29-'90 vs '92; umpire, Crosby.

April 30-'89 vs '91; umpire, Faulkner.

May 2-'89 vs '90; umpire, Crosby.

May 3-'90 vs '91; umpire, Smith.

May 6-'89 vs '92; umpire, Faulkner.

May 7-'90 as '92; umpire, Smith.

May 8-'89 vs '91; umpire, Brown.

May 10-'90 vs '91; umpire, Brown.

May 13-'89 vs '92; umpire, Faulkner.

May 14-'91 vs '92: umpire, Smith.

May 15-'89 vs '90; umpire, Crosby.

May 20-'92 vs '91; umpire, Faulkner.
