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It is unfortunate that a change of captains of the freshman nine should be necessary at this time. There must always be some slight loss attending such a change, and it remains to be seen whether or not the new captain and his men will make this loss only a temporary one-one that can be overcome by hard and faithful work. At present the outlook for a first-class nine is rather gloomy. There seems to be plenty of material but it is not all of the best order. Such being the case, the only possible hope for success lies in unceasing practice. Every candidate must realize the responsibility which rests upon him personally, and he must make it his sole aim to let every personal consideration give way to the general good.

The class also has a duty to perform. It is to give to the team the heartiest encouragement and the most generous financial support. Nothing will held the team more than to know that every well directed effort on their part has the hearty approval of the whole class. As for the nine itself, the captain must be able to rely upon his men, and the men must have the fullest confidence in their leader. From all these men the class and the whole college are expecting earnest and concientious work and an energy which will overcome all obstacles and at last have victory for its fruits.
